reg-trademark_iconTrademarks & Copyrights


BSKB trademark law and copyright law attorneys counsel clients in the selection, adoption, registration and enforcement of their trademark and trade dress rights. The firm files and prosecutes hundreds of federal, state and foreign trademark applications each year. BSKB also conducts trademark availability searches and provides trademark-monitoring services of third-party trademark use. BSKB counsels clients on copyright law issues in a wide variety of fields, from computer software to publishing. BSKB has developed strong relationships with foreign counsel to ensure that our clients’ rights are protected. BSKB trademark law and copyright law attorneys are licensing experts yet also offer substantial litigation expertise, both in administrative proceedings before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the Copyright Office and in civil litigation.

Our intellectual property lawyers frequently conduct and participate in seminars and conferences for intellectual property associations, trade associations and within the private sector on recent developments in trademark and copyright practice. BSKB copyright law and trademark law attorneys are also active in various trademark associations, holding positions in the International Trademark Association (INTA), the Licensing Executives Society and state and local bar associations. The firm keeps on top of legal, policy and practice developments that may impact our clients. We are committed to sharing this information with our clients through our annual U.S. Trademark Practice Seminar held each spring. This week-long course provides attendees with practical information on selecting, adopting, enhancing and enforcing their trademarks.

Through its investment in educational and informational resources, BSKB’s trademark and copyright practice has created a strong relationship with its clients and is able to better understand and serve their needs.



Attorneys and Professionals

  • MaryAnne Armstrong

    MaryAnne Armstrong, Ph.D.


  • Chad Billings

    Chad J. Billings


  • Charles Gorenstein

    Charles Gorenstein

    Senior Counsel

  • Hyuk Jung Kwon

    Hyuk Jung Kwon


  • Paul Lewis

    Paul C. Lewis


  • Gerald Murphy

    Gerald M. Murphy, Jr.


  • James Slattery

    James M. Slattery

    Senior Counsel

  • Michael Smith

    Michael T. Smith




  • May 20, 2024

    First to use: priority of trademark rights in the US

    by Mike Smith | World Intellectual Property Review

    BSKB partner Michael Smith was recently published in World Intellectual Property Review’s INTA 2024 Special Edition. His article “First to use: priority of trademark rights in the US” highlights the importance of establishing priority of use in trademark enforcement.

  • September 8, 2023

    USPTO proposals could increase burden on TM counsel

    by Rani Mehta | Managing IP

    BSKB Partner Michael Smith was recently quoted in an article for Managing IP.

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